Let me offer one of my favorite bits of mental preparation you can do before we speak together. When you think about the core concern you have and phrase that as a question to me, imagine I then ask you the following in return: "If we answer that question for you together, what will that liberate in you and/or your organization?" You can think about this while in the shower, on a walk or driving. I will be curious what you come up with!
Of course, I'd be very pleased to help you with any of these areas as stand alone services. I will admit though, that combining two or more of these could be highly appropriate too. Moreover, I would like to suggest that we don't need to feel limited just to these. There are always parts and wholes in every situation that have unique needs. Most of the time, after a few chats, we can find a direction to take together that will address your one of a kind concerns.
The world is a vast and dynamic place. Neither of us should be wedded to any one-size-fits all approach. Let's see what emerges in a conversation. At the very least, we will both learn something even if we decide not to proceed together. I also certainly don't mind helping you find your way to some of my partners if that would suit you best. Hope to hear from you at some point down the road!
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